.::Flamingo's Dance Bar::.
wow.I never realised 2 of our quite frequent customers are actually owners of Flamingo's Dance Bar.
If it wasn't for Mercury posting pics on Queensball,
where it says, owner of Flamingo,
I would have never guessed.
-Same Damn Thing; Just A Different Day-
11:48 PM~*
.::Pissed off for no reason::.
I have no idea why.
Maybe lack of sleep?
I rudely snapped at a few people.
I feel like i want to hit someone.
I usually feel like this if it's close to my period,
but no.
It's not anytime soon.
Right now i just want to sleep...
to get away from this World.
Queensball is coming up but i dont feel excited at all.
Cards told me something bad will happen to me.
Yet, i still want to go.
Ah wells...
Thats me.
And my friggin life.
-Same Damn Thing; Just A Different Day-
11:53 PM~*
.::Imagine Me & You::.
I teared at the separation part.Brings me back to the time we held hands before saying goodbye.
and when the ending song played...
"Imagine me and you, I do.
I think about you day and night,
it's only right to think about the girl you love,
and hold her tight,
so happy together...~"
hurts to feel that the person you love isn't loving you back.
-Same Damn Thing; Just A Different Day-
2:25 AM~*